Simeon Johnson Book Ministry

Simeon Johnson


Simeon Johnson's life has been transformed from a myopic life resonated to a vanguard of change life!

Born in Jamaica, the youngest of thirteen children, SIMEON JOHNSON overcame much hardship. As a young child, he witnessed his mother’s death; as a teenager, he endured myriad hardships and even came to the brink of suicide. Who, then would have said God blessed Simeon? Yet now he has returned to testify to the world and the testimony of the Cross. In his book A Myopic Life Resonated From the Brink of the Abyss, he describes his miraculous transformation.

SWJ Book Ministry ascribed this worthwhile #Tribute to #Black History Month, describing You’re a #Worthwhile Person in More Ways Than a Million!

Simeon Johnson Book Ministry

After I prayed the sinners' prayer, I was lying on my back, gazing into the face of a holy angel, a heavenly smile gracing his countenance, wings unfurled—a perfect and blissful moment that mirrors a glimpse of heaven itself.

Simeon Johnson Book Ministry



Simeon Johnson Book Ministry


Some claim white men write the Bible; therefore, it is not authentic and cannot be truthful: However, such specious argument by the agnostic is impervious to a genuinely born-again person. To believe in God, you must first accept the axiom truth that requires no proof! With this stated fact. I aver, state positively, declare with clearly established truth beyond dispute. Holy men of God write the Bible as the Holy Spirit inspired them! Not by any superannuated wizened older men! You and I may not have been born from the linage of a Genteel birth. However, being a born-again person: You are a peculiar person: A child of King Jesus; of a Royal Priesthood: You’re a worthwhile person in more ways than a million! SWJ Book Ministry has:

Author: Simeon W. Johnson
Thanks to all my friends and well-wishers. Jamaican born Simeon W. Johnson, from a humble nadir to the acme of his steward-ship: Simeon has caught the interest of the stalwart and redoubtable who is who of Society movers and shakers and decision-makers; from former Presidents and First Ladies to Super Stars and world-famous Athletes: SWJ Book Ministry’s message of hope is changing lives around the globe: To God be the Glory! Stay tuned for significant upcoming events in the Fall of 2023
Simeon Johnson Book Ministry
Simeon Johnson Book Ministry
Simeon Johnson Book Ministry
Simeon Johnson Book Ministry
Simeon Johnson Book Ministry
Simeon Johnson Book Ministry

Mission & Vision

To promulgate the Good News Story around the World, changing lives in preparation for the Kingdom of God. Amen!

The significance of words

In my books, you will find a cornucopia of significance and insightful inspirations through the written words! Words are the tools of thought by which both men and women do most of their thinking and communicate through language. It clarifies your speech and writing: enhances your conversation with style: It Broadens horizons and increases overall knowledge. An exact and essential vocabulary is a necessary concomitant to success! It culls the mind with distention to choose the Word that precisely expresses the thought, the knowledge, and the ability to use them that affirmed these books & Websites: Spiritual and natural perspicacity is changing lives everywhere. To God be the Glory!

Pathway To Heaven

The only way to Heaven is the straight and narrow, unlike the polyglot community and bifurcated paths to NEW YORK CITY


“If God be for us, who can be against us?"

God uses whosoever He will, as in the days of old and the 21st Century, working through great men and women to do His will through the wealthiest man: Amazon and Facebook CEO, and the most Renounced ROYAL FAMILY: BUCKINGHAM PALACE!

Working in their power to help promulgate the inspiring message of Simeon W. Johnson’s life story.

A Myopic Life Resonated From The Brink Of The Abyss

Thanks to their genuine efforts engaging in my Marketing Campaign that the world will have a personal knowledge of who God is.

Stay tuned for the result of the significant Upcoming Events coming this Fall at a theater near you!

#birthday #simeonwjohnson #biography #amyopicliferesonatedbrinkoftheabyss

Simeon Johnson Book Ministry

Hello everyone: In the time of COVID-19: Global Pandemic, and war in UKRAINE

The people of the world are fearful of what the future holds and the continual ebb and flow of human misery: Simeon W. Johnson share your grief and loss and invites you to read the encouraging story of hope at and

Simeon Johnson shares his equestrian horseback ride as he canters through the rocky terrain of Petra Jordon: He enjoyed his memorable experience on his trip to the Promised Land of Israel, and Jordan, in October 2010:

Sharing of godly values is the foundation of our capacity to share eternity together. This is to honor the Birthday of my late wife, Dorothy Johnson. The following message and portraits reflect our unforgettable, precious memories together! While you are gone, your memory lives on!